Mary Immaculate is a great place for students to grow in faith and learning.

Led by caring staff committed to sharing the Catholic faith with students in partnership with families, our welcoming community supports students and staff to thrive. We value each student as an individual and share the values of the Gospel to help them discover the hope that is within and to experience a meaningful and flourishing life.

Students in our school come from a variety of religious backgrounds and beliefs - a student will not feel out of place if they do not share the Catholic faith.

Students praying in church at Mary Immaculate Primary School Quakers Hill

All schools in the Diocese of Parramatta:

Celebrate being Catholic in identity and life
Share the Catholic faith with students in partnership with families
Build faith communities that support students and staff to flourish
Value each student as an individual
Share the values of the Gospel to help students grow in faith and learning
Are welcoming and just

Sharing our Catholic tradition

We ensure that students come to know Jesus Christ through the promotion of Catholic tradition and teaching. Faith experiences are woven throughout the life of the school and school values, and are realised within the Religious Education program, liturgy, prayer, reflection, religious symbolism, Feast Days and social justice activities to reach out to those most in need.

Our Year 6 students lead the school community in prayer at assemblies. We also pray the Angelus (traditional midday prayer) together each day.

Mary Immaculate has a strong relationship with the local parish as we support students to grow in faith. Together with the parish, we actively celebrate joyful liturgies of thanksgiving and reflection.

Celebrating our faith

We place great importance on the contribution of visual and performing arts to the liturgical life of our school. Live music, singing, drama, symbols, visual art works and liturgical movement are incorporated into celebrations, providing meaningful and relevant faith experiences for young people.

Students can deepen their participation in liturgical celebrations by volunteering as altar servers and joining the choir.

Our Catholic tradition

Celebrating our faith

Students praying together in church at Mary Immaculate Primary School Quakers Hill

Religious Education

Our specialist teachers share their faith and example with students, helping them to flourish as they develop specific knowledge, understanding, skills and strong values, with Christ as the centre.

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Religious Education

Teacher leading religion class at Mary Immaculate Primary School Quakers Hill

Social justice initiatives

At Mary Immaculate, we strive to live by our school motto, "Love and Service." Through participation in campaigns for meaningful causes, students are inspired to work towards a fair and just world.

Our Mini Vinnies group helps people in need in the spirit of the St Vincent de Paul society. In recent years, students have participated in outreach and fundraising for the following organisations:

  • Caritas Australia/Project Compassion
  • Jesuit Refugee Services
  • Catholic Mission
  • Saint Vincent de Paul
  • Jesuit Refugee Services
  • Youth Off The Streets

Social justice initiatives

Students gathering donated items for charity at Mary Immaculate Primary School Quakers Hill

Our reconciliation strategy 

Schools in the Diocese of Parramatta are at the beginning of an important journey, endeavouring to make significant contributions to reconciliation within the community, locally and nationally.

Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) recently launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). We will be guided by the CSDP RAP as we work to embed practices that further support members of our learning community who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, engage meaningfully and respectfully with members of the local Aboriginal community, and make contributions to the national journey towards reconciliation.

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